Tentacle based guest strips?

Posted by: Kidnemo
Date: 10/18/05 - 8:26AM

First up, you can find all of the past guest strips on the archives page here.

Today's strip is from the super slick vector punishing Isaac Hall from www.zeekart.com. Isaac does some seriously fine work when it comes to ultra-clean (and inspirational!) vector art. He currently is working on the sporadically updated Gorilla Armpits.

Come back tomorrow for a new guest strip which may or may not be as saucy as today! (And don't forget to vote, a new sketch of our buddy mav is up here!)


Posted by: Kidnemo
Date: 10/14/05 - 8:07AM

Starting next week I'll be running a lot of comet 7 comics. None of them will be by me, but all of them will be amazing. I asked a bunch of other super talented online web comic creators to do some guest comics for me which I'll be running everyday next week. They all turned out really good and I think you all will be really happy with the results. If not perhaps I will sneeze on you, contaminating you with whatever it is afflicting me at the moment.