Big pimping guest strips

Posted by: Kidnemo
Date: 10/26/05 - 7:55AM

I love the strip for today. I love it, in my heart of hearts it makes me happy. Joe Dunn from Joe Loves Crappy Movies has in my opinion done the exact definition of what a guest comic is. He has stayed true to the subject material (c7 for those keeping score), while putting his own personal style onto the strip, while at the same time realizing the feel of c7,while also taking it into a totally different direction than I ever have. *phew*

Did I mention how happy I am with Joe's work? :D Oh yea, don't forget to see all the other great guest comics archived in the, uh, archives page.

Last night when getting the bed ready to goto sleep, I found a squished spider mixed in with the covers. It was pretty gross, that however has nothing to do with this vote incentive sketch that you can see here. P.S. it's a chocobo!